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The Neuroscience of Goal-Setting and Goal-Achievement

A central component to well-being is the process of working towards solutions, it’s also a key component of solution focused brief therapy (SFBT). By identifying and setting goals, and then working out how you can move towards achieving them in a way that leads to desired outcomes, we shift the focus to problem solving using creativity and intellect. This way of using the brain is an important antidote to dwelling on the past, catastrophising about the future, exhausting rumination, and overall negative thinking.

Set Realistic Achievable Goals

Neuroscience research has shed light on what happens inside the brain when we set goals and move towards achieving them. It has revealed there are many key areas in the brain that activate in the process of goal setting and goal-achieving.

The prefrontal cortex is one of the key areas associated with goal setting, this area is associated with higher level cognitive functions like planning, decision making, and problem solving. By setting a goal, this area of the brain supports us by forming a mental picture of that goal and works on a plan to making it achievable.

By setting specific and achievable goals we have a higher chance of succeeding. Our efforts become more focused on specific goals, so the golden rule is to avoid vague or overly ambitious ones. The key strategy is to break down the goals into small achievable steps, so that you have greater prospects of completing them.

Dopamine Reward

When we work towards, and then achieve a goal, it has an enormously positive effect on the brain. At the point of completing a goal the brain releases a surge of dopamine, and this reinforces everything we did that led to its release. Dopamine is the organic chemical associated with pleasure and reward, it helps by consolidating actions and elevating motivation. Every step we took to get that dopamine is rewarded and reinforced, creating healthy and helpful neural pathways that can be harnessed repeatedly. This process increases our motivation and drives us further in the pursuit towards future goals.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy for Goal Achievement

Solution focused hypnotherapy enhances the traditional goal setting methods in various ways. One advantage is to build motivation and resilience at a deep subconscious level. This essentially sends a direct message to the brain that the deal is done, the goal is and will be achieved, and there is no need to doubt yourself or ambush any efforts. An unwavering determination is effortlessly accepted and persists even through challenges and setbacks. New neural pathways develop during the practice of mental rehearsal, and responses to difficulties and stressors become rewired leading to a more optimistic and adaptable mindset. Any self sabotaging beliefs are replaced or diminished, and new positive can-do beliefs that align with our desired outcomes are constructed.

Unlock the door to your inner resources and experience the art of positive change through Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. Your journey awaits.