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New Year, New You: Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation

Smoking is a harmful and addictive habit, according to the World Health Organisation it is the number one cause of preventable disease and death worldwide. Nicotine and the chemicals in cigarettes are major contributors to cancer, stroke, heart disease, and respiratory illness.

How does hypnotherapy work for smoking cessation?

There are several reasons why hypnotherapy is so effective at helping people quit smoking. One aspect to it is the power in hypnotherapy to rewire the brains pathways associated with smoking, this makes it easier for people to resist the urge to smoke. It also allows the person to manage and address any underlying psychological and emotional triggers that contribute to their smoking habit. it’s also quick.

Hypnotherapy also helps by reducing the physical nicotine withdrawal symptoms, like cravings and irritability, this makes quitting smoking so much easier. It reinforces a person’s drive to quit, it increases confidence, and enhances the motivation to stop smoking for good. Any underlying stress is processed and reduced, and this provides a huge advantage in preventing relapse.

What does the research say?

Theres plenty of research studies supporting the use of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation. Meta-analysis on 24 randomised controlled studies proved that hypnotherapy was more effective than placebo or will-power.

One study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology showed that the efficacy of hypnosis for smoking cessation was long lasting and that the majority of those who stopped remained ex-smokers for good. When hypnotherapy is combined with Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) the results were even better.

Making the decision to stop smoking is a life transforming and brave step, this change in lifestyle has significant benefits for physical and mental health. Hypnotherapy is an effective method to help people conquer their smoking addiction, it rewires the brains neural pathways associated with smoking, increases confidence, and reduces stress and withdrawal symptoms.

As the New Year starts, why don’t you consider making the resolution to try hypnotherapy for smoking cessation.