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Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Around one in five people in the UK will experience IBS at some point in their life and around two thirds of the people affected are women. If you are suffering with IBS you’ll know how difficult day to day life can be. The sudden and unpredictable bouts of bloating, cramps and discomfort can have a serious impact on your life and prevent you from doing the things you enjoy.

Hypnotherapy has emerged as one of the most powerful treatments for this condition, and it’s helping thousands of sufferers regain control of their lives.

Understanding Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

IBS is quite common, and it affects the large intestine. The precise cause of IBS is still unknown, although it is linked to many underlying factors such as stress, anxiety, and diet. Common symptoms include bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, constipation, and abdominal pain. There are many treatments available, such as medication and diet adjustments, but these don’t work for everyone or have a limited impact which can be frustrating.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help IBS?

There is an undeniable link between the mind and body, the connection between our thoughts and bodily sensations occurs through the autonomic nervous system. This mind body link evolved to protect us from predators and ensure our survival. This is where hypnotherapy comes in, hypnotherapy is one of the most effective ways of calming this stress anxiety response, improving well-being and in turn reducing IBS symptoms and improving digestive function.

Hypnotherapy works by calming the mind and body through deep relaxation to reduce the stress that triggers IBS, it shifts unresolved emotional arousal into the narrative memory where you have control over it, and puts the body into the rest and digest state. By increasing serotonin production the body copes better with daily life, and the reduction in stress hormones like cortisol improve digestive health.

Say Goodbye to IBS for Good!

Hypnotherapy for IBS is a life changing solution for sufferers, and allows people to regain control, builds confidence, and brings enjoyment to life once again. If you have tried everything else, and would like to discuss hypnotherapy for IBS I invite you to contact me and book your free initial consultation.