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Cultivating a Mindset of Confidence and Self Belief

What is Confidence?

Self-doubt, lack of self-esteem and the feeling of imposter syndrome are all symptoms of low self-confidence, which many people struggle with. When our confidence levels are healthy, we have trust in our own abilities and qualities. Low confidence can result from a negative experience which has knocked us back, manifesting in various ways including shyness, anxiety, or a fear of failure.

Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy for Confidence

Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy is a widely used and effective method for increasing confidence. Positive affirmations, metaphor and visualisation are highly effective components of hypnotherapy and reinforce positive thoughts and beliefs. The brain cultivates what it focuses on, and in deep trace these new positive beliefs become embedded. As a result, confidence grows and negative thought patterns are diminished and replaced.

There have been many case studies conducted which have proven Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy is very effective in increasing confidence. Those that have used it report long lasting changes in their thoughts and feelings about themselves. It reinforces optimism and empowerment and reduces anxiety and inappropriate beliefs. Furthermore, it improves resilience to manage stress and stay focused in the future by cultivating a positive mindset.

How to Get the Most Out of Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy for Confidence

In order to get the most out of Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy for building confidence, it is important to have problem free talk. The solution focused approach encourages focus on goals and desired outcomes, and then decide upon ways to move towards those goals in small achievable steps. Again, the mind will cultivate what it focuses on, so focusing on how you want things to be, rather than how you don’t want them to be is crucial. The hypnotherapy part of the session will integrate these images into the subconscious mind turning them into new beliefs and making it easier to move forward.

Book your free initial consultation and start your journey to becoming that self-assured and confident individual you deserve to be.