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12 Ways to Lift Yourself Out of Depression

Depression, almost everyone at some point in their lives, will suffer with it in some way or another. It can be a heavy burden to bear and stop us in our tracks. It may be passing or persistent, it may even feel like there’s no escape from it’s clutches. But fear not! Help is here and it is within your grasp. There are a multitude of practical actions you can start taking today that will kick start the process of lightening the load, so you can lift yourself out of the darkness and into the light. It will take practice, consistency, and patience. Today, I’ve put together a list of 12 practical, easy and effective strategies to help you find joy, wellness, and a renewed vitality, so let’s embark on a journey toward brighter days.

Embrace the Sun (Vitamin D):

Sunshine is nature’s happy pill! Catch those rays and soak up some vitamin D, which can boost your mood and energy levels. Remember to apply the right sunscreen, we don’t want you to get sunburn, and find a cosy spot, where you won’t be mistaken for a basking lizard.

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching:

Turn up the volume on your favourite tunes and dance your heart out! Let go of self-consciousness and sway to the rhythm, it doesn’t matter if you think you can’t dance. Feel the music in your bones, let go, and allow the movement and music to shake off the cobwebs of depression. Who knows, you might just discover some hidden dance moves!

Exercise Your Funny Bone:

It’s right what they say, laughter truly is the best medicine. Engage in activities that tickle your funny bone – watch a comedy show or movie, read hilarious jokes, or spend time with friends who always bring a smile to your face and make you laugh. Humour has a magical way of lifting spirits and reminding us that life is full of joy.

Take a Walk in Nature’s Wonderland:

Connect with the great outdoors and take a leisurely stroll through nature’s wonderland. Breathe in the fresh air and marvel at the beauty around you, notice the colours, smells, and sounds as Mother Nature’s serenity soothes your soul. Just be wary of those mischievous squirrels plotting to steal your snacks.

Indulge in Self-Care:

Treat yourself like royalty! Take a warm soothing luxury bubble bath, pamper your skin with luxurious lotions, and practise mindfulness techniques that help you relax and unwind. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish; it’s an essential part of nurturing your well-being so just indulge yourself!

Create a Gratitude Journal:

Journaling is a great way to refocus the mind, and it takes conscious effort. Each day before you go to bed write down three positive things you’re grateful for and focus on them for a moment. They could be as simple as the smell of freshly brewed coffee, a positive interaction you had that day at work, something you did well, or the warmth of a loved one’s embrace. Focusing on gratitude helps shift your perspective and allows you to appreciate the little blessings that make life worthwhile.

Unleash Your Inner Picasso:

Tap into your creative side and explore artistic expression. Whether it’s painting, sketching, or making something, let your imagination run like wild horses. Don’t worry about creating a masterpiece—just enjoy the process and revel in the freedom of self-expression. Even doodling on a scrap of paper can unleash a wave of artistic beauty and soothe the soul. Warning: Paint smudges and glitter explosions may occur.

Reach Out to a Supportive Friend:

Sometimes, all it takes is a heartfelt conversation with a friend who understands. Reach out to someone you have a trusting relationship and feel safe sharing your thoughts with. Let them know how you’re feeling and what’s going on for you at the moment. Sharing your thoughts and emotions can provide relief and remind you that you’re not alone on this journey.

Engage in Mindful Meditation:

Quiet your mind and find solace in the present moment through mindfulness meditation. Practise deep breathing exercises, there are loads of them, focus on the sensations within your body, and let the worries that weigh you down melt away. It’s a gentle reminder that the present moment is where true peace resides, and where we truly exist..

Find Your Furry Therapist:

Pets have an uncanny ability to lift our spirits, make us laugh, and provide unconditional love. Spend quality time connecting with your furry friend, whether it’s cuddling with a purring cat or taking a playful romp with a wagging-tailed companion. The joy they bring is contagious and a balm for the soul.

Rediscover Forgotten Passions:

Revisit the hobbies and activities that used to bring you joy. Dust off that old guitar, dig out your paint brushes, or lace up those roller skates. Reconnecting with your forgotten passions can reignite a sense of purpose and enthusiasm in your life.

Seek Professional Help:

If depression persists and becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek the assistance of a qualified professional. Solution-focused hypnotherapy, like the approach I offer, can help you uncover your inner strengths, unleash your confidence, and create positive changes in your life. Remember, reaching out is a courageous and brave step toward healing and happiness.

Depression may feel like an endless abyss, but with the right tools, some commitment, and the mindset to overcome it, you can rise above. By building all or just some of these 12 strategies into your daily routine, you can start your journey back towards joy, wellness, and a renewed sense of purpose in life. Embrace the journey, be kind to yourself, and remember that brighter days are just around the corner. Together, let’s lift ourselves out of the shadows and into the light of a happier, healthier life.