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12 Tips to Help You Stop Ruminating: Break Free and Embrace Peace of Mind

Do you sometimes find yourself over thinking negatively on past events, replaying the same thoughts repeatedly like a broken record? If you do, you are not alone. Negative rumination can be exhausting and detrimental to our mental and physical well-being, those negative thoughts and images pushing their way in to stop us enjoying the present moment. What’s happening when we negatively ruminate is the mind is time travelling to the past and experiencing a moment that does not even exist right now. And the more we do this, the more we intensify, alter, and distort the memory. The brain responds as if that negative thing is happening right now, it can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality. As a result, the mind produces stress hormones, and we lose intellectual control. Overtime this process becomes hardwired as we train our minds into a negative pattern of ruminating behaviour.

The good news is there are ways to unwind this pattern, and break free from this negative cycle of rumination, and regain control over our thoughts and feelings.

Let’s explore 12 strategies to stop ruminating and regain peace of mind!

Tip 1: Recognise and Acknowledge Your Ruminating Thoughts

The first step to overcoming rumination is to notice when we are doing it. By paying close attention to our thoughts and becoming aware of when we are entering a state of negative rumination, we begin to gain the power to disrupt it’s hold over us. Remember, awareness is the key here!

Tip 2: Challenge Negative Thoughts

Our negative thoughts are the coals that fuel our rumination. Challenge those negative thoughts, and ask yourself the question: are these thoughts based on the facts or are they distorted by my emotions? Ask yourself if there are alternative perspectives. By querying the negative thoughts, we take away their power over us, and open the door to more positive perspectives.

Tip 3: Reframe and Reinterpret

When a negative situation steps into our lives, stop and take a moment to notice it, and pause for a moment. Then make the choice to reframe and reinterpret it. Remember, the mind can lie to you and deceive you, especially when it has been primed to react in a certain way over many years. By pausing the autopilot, we can shift our perspective to break the pattern of unhealthy rumination and foster a healthier and more optimistic mindset. Embrace the power of positive thinking!

Tip 4: Engage in Mindfulness and Meditation

One of the best ways we can support a healthy mind is to practise mindfulness and meditation. These calming techniques are powerful antidotes to rumination because they bring us fully into the present moment to observe our inner self without any judgement. Implementing deep breathing and meditation soothes the mind and reduces the impact and frequency of negative rumination. Embrace the calm within yourself!

Tip 5: Practise Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself! Treat yourself with the kind compassion you would extend to a friend or loved one. Would you say those negative things to someone you care about? Of course not, so why say them to yourself. Remember the thoughts you allow to live in your mind, the things you say about yourself, will inevitably become your own living reality. So, if you want to feel good, practice self-compassion. A crumpled-up bank note is still just as valuable as it was before! No matter what happened in the past, you’ll always have value, and you are worth it. And don’t forget to engage in activities that you find pleasurable to nurture your soul! Self-compassion is the antidote to rumination.

Tip 6: Establish a Structured Routine

A positive healthy balanced daily routine provides a stable foundation, and reduces the idle time where rumination likes to strike. Plan your day to incorporate periods for work, leisure, self-care, and relaxation. By committing to the schedule, you set your intentions for a good day, and you build a blueprint for success and order in your daily life. Break free from the clutches of rumination with a well-structured routine!

Tip 7: Distract Yourself with Meaningful Activities

Engage in those activities that bring you joy, satisfaction, and fulfilment, to divert you away from the lure of ruminating. Pursue your hobbies, spend time with people you know, friends and loved ones. Plunge yourself into creative outlets to explore your vibrant imagination in a positive expressive way. Or consider volunteering for a cause you’re passionate about. Find what ignites the sparks of joy within you and embrace it!

Tip 8: Practice Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing exercises and relaxation techniques are wonderful way to quieten and soothe a busy mind. Take in a deep breath, hold it for a moment, and let it go slowly. As you breath out notice how good that feels. Repeat the process several times and feel the tensions just melting away from you. It feels so good to take a vacation from stress and find tranquility within!

Tip 9: Seek Support from Others

Reach out for support from others. Positive interaction is hugely important for us as a social species. Share your thoughts with trusted friends, family members, or a mental health professional. Sometimes, sharing our concerns can allow us to gain a new perspective and alleviate the burden of inner rumination.  Remember, you’re not alone on this journey.

Tip 10: Set Goals and Take Action

Setting yourself small achievable goals helps shift the focus of negative rumination towards positive actions. Once you set your mind to a goal, break it down into easy manageable steps to ensure success. By transforming your energy into achievable concrete goals, you regain a sense of purpose as you empower yourself to move ahead.

Tip 11: Challenge Perfectionism and Embrace Imperfection

Perfectionism is often never needed. When the Navajo Indians weaved their beautiful rugs, they always left a knot, and imperfection, to show the gods that they were not trying to be gods themselves. Remember imperfection is perfection! Embrace imperfection and remind yourself that you’re just doing the best you can and leaving it at that! Growth and progress are what matters, and there lies the beauty.

Tip 12: Focus on the Present Moment

The present moment is where we exist, the past is gone, and there’s nothing we can do to change what has happened. Life unfolds in this moment, right here right now. So if you want to feel good focus on the now, the right here, this very moment that you are in right now. Ground yourself in the present by focusing on your senses, what can you see around you, hear around you, touch, smell, taste. Anchor yourself in the present to break free from the chains of rumination.

Now you have the 12 steps to breaking free from rumination, embrace these principles as you move ahead on your journey to peace of mind. Remember to implement them consistently and be patient with yourself, especially in the beginning. Reward yourself for your success and celebrate each small victory along the way. You have the power within, to take control of your thoughts, good luck on your journey and may you find the serenity that awaits you!